Collins FDC Catalog
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H5202 / Scott 4792
New England Coastal Lighthouses
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse, NH
Collins Cover Announcement
New England Coastal Lighthouses
Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire
This historic lighthouse is located within Fort Constitution in New Castle, New Hampshire. It was established in 1771 and was the tenth of eleven light stations completed before the War of Independence. The first tower was constructed of wood with an iron lantern and copper roof. In 1878 a new brick-lined tower was erected. The current light projects a fixed green glow that is visible for twelve nautical miles.
My individually hand painted cachets are wonderful examples of philatelic maritime art. Done in vertical format, this watercolor captures not only the famous New Hampshire lighthouse but portions of the oil storage area and the 1872 keeper's house as well. The five New England lighthouses that will comprise this Collins set are magaificent Americana landmarks. The Granite State's Portsmouth Harbor Light is now ready. Collins #H5202 —$14.00.