Collins FDC Catalog
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H5205 / Scott 4795
New England Coastal Lighthouses
New London Harbor 'Lighthouse, CT
Collins Cover Announcement
New England Coastal Lighthouses
New London Harbor Light, Connecticut
This is the final cover in my five cachet set for five very early and historic, lighthouses located in different New England states. The New London Harbor Light is the fifth oldest in the United States. The original was built in 1760 but was replaced with the current stone tower in 1801. It is the tallest and earliest lighthouse in the Nutmeg State and was one of the earliest in the country to have a flashing beacon.
These hand painted lighthouse cachets will enhance any First Day Cover collection. Future Collins collectors will be searching for them as well as many topicalists including those looking for Americana, maritime art, seascapes, and, of course, lighthouse covers.
Be sure that you have all five in your collection. Now ready is my fifth and final hand painted New England Light on Cohnecticut's New London Harbor. Collins #H5205 —$14.00.