Collins FDC Catalog
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R5201 / Scott 4815
Virgin & Child by Jan Gossaert
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas ReIigious - 2013
"O Little Town of Bethlehem"
This is the seventh year in which my hand painted cachet is based on a traditional Christmas song. The words for "O Little Town of Bethlehem" were written in 1868 by the rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Philadelphia. Phillips Brooks was an Episcopalian priest who visited Bethlehem in 1865. Thiié years later he wrote lifs poem to which organist Lewis-Redner added music-, and a favorite Christmas carol came into existence.
My individually hand painted cachet depicts a beautiful manger scene with mother and child as an angel and stable animals look on. Lovely. "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Collins #R5201 -$14.00.