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Collins FDC Catalog

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A5501 / Scott 5004

Summer Harvest


Cover Announcement 

Americana at its finest is conveyed in this set of four hand painted Collins First Day Covers. Uncle Sam now joins my

other three cachets in this series which depict a sea bound clipper ship; a Boy Scout and campsite; and a mounted Indian on a buffalo hunt. Both as a collection of four and as individual covers that will be coveted for their topical appeal, these four pieces will be great items to acquire.

The 1917 patriotic poster by illustrator J.M. Flagg was used to recruit soldiers for both World War I and World War II. It

shows a waist-up portrait of Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer with the caption "I Want You For the U.S. Army." It has become an American icon.

Uncle Sam is a national personification of the government based on the initials U.S. - United States. Although the name

Uncle Sam is mentioned in the "Yankee Doodle" lyrics of 1775 during the American siege of Boston, it is not clear if it

referred to a real person or the fledgling United States of America. Despite various references to Uncle Sam during the 1800s. the first published image of the current Uncle Sam was on a magazine cover on July 6, 1916 with the caption "What are vou doing for preparedness?" That drawing was also by Flagg.

My individually hand painted cachet for this issue show an almost full-length illustration a century after that 1916

publication which caused a nationai sensation. You will really enjoy the detail on our bearded Uncle from Sam's starbanded top hat to his striped pants. It's a grand way to end this four-cover celebration of America. Uncle Sam is now available - Collins #A5501 - $15.00.

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