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Collins FDC Catalog

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A5504 / Scott 5007

Summer Harvest


Cover Announcement 

This beauty begins my new mini-set of four for the recently issued Summer Harvest stamps featuring vintage produce labels. Back in the first half of the 20th Century (circa 1900-1950), growers of fruits and vegetables shipped their produce in wooden crates that had beautiful, multi-subject, fuIl-colored labels with the brand. I first became aware of this art form at the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, New York. There, on the second floor of a huge old barn, an entire wall serves as a display area for numerous examples of these old, ornately illustrated labels.

Animals, types of transportation, patriotic, scenic, historic, and many others. For me, these new sramps provided an opportunity to bring this art form to the attention of my collectors and the hobby in general.

Since the choice of label topics would be mine, I wanted to choose subjects that have wide-spread appeal to mv collectors. The four individually hand painted cachets will include scouting: clipper ship: Native American/Buffalo: and patriotic Uncle Sam. In all honesty, there is something for everyone in this beautiful set, and I think that an early sell-out is possible, so please do not delay as each one is offered.

The first one to be offered is the Boy Scout Brand. It is morning and there is a soft dawn glow in the sky heralding in the new day. The border is a forest green - perfect to frame the Scout campsite. The uniformed Scout and his tent are the main images that grab your attention. in all Collins cachets...look further for small details. The frying pan with a pair of sunny-side up eggs. The walking stick of which readers of my book will know then significance. The period knee socks and high-top shoes dating to the early 1900s. And, of course, the wide brimmed hat of my father's scouting days in the 1930s. Every bit of color on each and every envelope is beautifully hand painted. The detail is really amazing.

It is very exciting to begin this new mini-set, and I'm excited to offer the first one - Boy Scout Brand. Collins #A5504 - $15.00.

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