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Collins FDC Catalog

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D5501 / Scott 5011

2016 World Stamp Show

“Canadian Schooner Blue Nose”

Cover Announcement 

The Bluenose was a fishing and racing schooner built in 1921 in Nova Scotia, Canada. Under the command of Ansus Walters, it became a celebrated racing ship in the 1930's and a symbol of Canada's maritime importance. The ship became known as the "Queen of the North Atlantic." The name "Bluenose" originated as the nickname of Nova Scotians as early as the late 1700's.

On January 6, 1929, Canada issued a 50-cent stamp showing the Bluenose under full sail. This stamp has become one of the most popular of all Canadian stamps,  and that is why  I chose it as my cachet subject. The blue World Stamp Show stamp was issued to call attention to the international aspect of stamp collecting. One of the countries I chose to highlight was our neighbor to the north. The historic Canadian Racing Schooner - Bluenose - is now ready. Collins #D5501 at $16.50.

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