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Collins FDC Catalog

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F5501 / Scott 5020

Paul Newman

Actor & Philantropist

"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"

Cover Announcement 

This hand painted cachet pays tribute to Paul Newman for his acting skills in the 1969 western film "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." It is the action-packed story about two outlaws - Cassidy played by Newman and Surdance played by Robert Redford. Much of the plot centers on the pair being on the run from a relentless posse, and finally they end up in Bolivia where their train robberies continue. The American Film Institute has ranked the movie as the 49th Greatest U.S. Film.

Newman was an actor of high acclaim as well as a film director, entrepreneur, professional race driver, environmentalist. and philanthropist. He won an Oscar in 1986, a Cannes Film Festival Award, an Emmy Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. He was married to actress Joanne Woodward from 1958 until his death in 2008. Paul founded Newman's Own Food Company and donated all profits to charity, which to date have totaled over half a billion doliars. He served in the Navy from 1943 to 1946 as a radioman and rear gunner in the Pacific Theater. At first he entered the Navy V-12 Pilot Training Program at Yale but was dropped when it was discovered he was color blind.

The cachet features an individual portrait of Paul at the left and also renditions of Redford (Sundance Kid) and Newman (Butch Cassidy) from the movie. The stamp has a bullseye first day of issue postmark from Cleveland, Ohio. Paul Newman is now ready. Collins #F5501 at $15.00.

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