Collins FDC Catalog
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G5401 / Scott 4955
Claudette Colbert & Henry Fonda
“Drums along the Mohawk”
Collins Cover Announcement
Love — Red stamp with white heart
Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda -
"Drums Along the Mohawk"
Some years ago I started a series of individually hand painted cachets for the various new Love stamps. They show romantic couples that range from married, romantically involved, entertainment personalities, literary characters, and even cartoon pairs such as Mickey and Minnie and Blondie and Dag,wood. It is proving to be a fascinating group of Collins covers, and collector feedback has been great with even a few suggestions for future pairs.
The cover that I'm announcing today is a personal favorite. Henry Fonda and Claudette Colbert are the romantic couple as they play newlyweds during the Revolutionary War. Drums Along the Mohawk is the title of the movie produced by Dan-yl F. Zanuck and directed by John Ford. Colbert and Fonda portray settlers along the New York frontier during the summer of 1776. The spirit of revolution is rampant causing Gil Martin (Fonda) and his neighbors to form a militia in the Mohawk Valley in central New York State. They battle the British, hostile Indians, and Tories loyal to the Crown in an action-packed movie filmed in technicolor.
During a period of several years, a series of fierce battles take place. Eventually the British and their Indian allies mount a major attack on the Mohawk Valley. Surrounded and short on ammunition, Fonda m akes a heroic dash through the enemy lines and returns with reinforcements from Fort Dayton to save his militia and their families. They pursue the British and secure a final victory. When the War for Independence finally ends, Claudette and Henry, who are now the parents of a daughter and two sons, return to their farm. Awaiting them is a peaceful life as citizens of their new country — the United States of America.
Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda in Drums Along the Mohawk— Collins #G5401 at $15.00.