Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
H5504 / Scott 5032

Geometric Snowflakes
Eastern Moose
Cover Announcement
This individually hand painted cachet brings to completion my "Wildlife of the North" mini-series. The four-cover Collins set features large animal species that thrive in cold weather habitats. Previously offered were the fierce gray wolf, the majestic grizzly bear, and the formidable muskox all in their snowy habitats. They are still available (listed below), and if you missed any, be sure to acquire them before they sell out.
To finish the set, I now offer the bull moose from the forests of Maine. This storied mammal is the largest species in the deer family. Broad, flat antlers, a distinctive angular head, and the signature beard make this watercolored cachet a must for Collins collectors as well as wildlife and animal topicalists. My winter moose peers vigilantly around a snow-laden tree.
My final Wildlife of the North cover is now read - one of approximately 76,000 moose roaming the woodlands of Maine. Collins #H5504 at $15.00