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Collins FDC Catalog

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J5401 / Scott 4959


Vintage Rose

Cover Announcement 

Occasionally a stamp's subject matter calls for a piece of art that stands alone and lets beauty speak for itself. This individually hand painted Collins cachet will bring a different "look" to your collection. Roses have acquired cultural significanse in many societies. They have been cultivated in Mediterranean countries, Persia, and China from at least 500 B.C.

In the United States-, roses are very popular among individuals celebrating special occasions or a conveyance of love as well as commercial enterprises which use them as effective and lovely floral displays. They are most often grown in greenhouses or under cover outdoors so that they can be protected from weather, pests, and disease.

This cachet is striking in its beauty. A full flower in bloom is the main focus with each of its multiple petals meticulously hand painted. Directly below is a delicate bud which adds a slight but lovely accent to the composition. A vibrant green brings a vital color contrast as the vine supports the flower stems and leaves. Minute thorns, of which so much has been written, are also visible.

As literature has proclaimed, "A rose is a rose is a rose," and the Collins variety is now in full bloom. Vintage Rose. Collins # J5401 at $15.00.

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