Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
L5403 / Scott 4967

Water Lilies
White Water Lily
Collins Cover Announcement
Winter Lilies
Painted Turtle in Aquatic Habitat
During my childhood years at Collins Ponds, the waters were home to a variety of turtles. Spotted, redlegged, and snappers were three varieties that were commonly found, but by far the mostplentiful variety was the painted. In this individually hand painted cachet, the turtle sits on a flat surfaced rock and surveys his serene habitat. Lily pads, colorful blooms, and lovely flowers all combine to create a natural place of beauty.
Water lilies are aquatic herbs that live in both temperate and tropical climates around the world. It has been fun to work with this topic and create a set that brings a sense of peace and tranquility to the hobby. Collins cachets are known for small details. Did you happen to notice the conical snail in the cachet? The Painted Turtle in Aquatic Habitat is now ready. It's the third Water Lily cover to be offer. Collins Number L5403 at $15.00.