Collins FDC Catalog
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M5401 / Scott 4968

Art by Martin Ramirez
Untitled (Horse & Rider)
Southwest Cowboy
Collins Cover Announcement
Martin Ramirez
This virtually unknown artist arrived in the United States in 1925 from Mexico. His traditional artwork balanced physical landscapes of both Southwest America and his native Mexico. After arriving in the U.S., he worked on the railroads and in various mines. In his paintings, he tried to draw viewers into an idealized world that led to the countryside towns, churches, vistas, and most importantly people of the Southwest and Mexican cultures.
This individually hand painted cachet is very colorful as it depicts a traditional southwest cowboy with a distinctive Spanish heritage flair. The wide sombrero offers protection from the blazing sun and complements the vivid hues of his shirt, neckerchief, and his accented pants. The reins and bridle of his sturdy horse are decorated with miniature pom-poms, adding just a touch of flamboyancy. In his hand, a firmly gripped lariat shows that he is ready to assume the daily rigors and duties in the everyday life of a rider of the range.
Martin Ramirez — Southwest Cowboy — is now ready. Collins #M5401 at $15.00.