Collins FDC Catalog
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M5402 / Scott 4970

Art by Martin Ramirez
Trains on Inclined Tracks
Southwest Steam Train
Collins Cover Announcement
Martin Ramirez
Southwest Steam Train
This is the second cover in the mini-set honoring this self-taught artist of the Southwest. The new stamp depicts an early train done in his primitive style. My individually hand painted cachet captures a locomotive from the early 1900s as it steams across a western desert. Two types of cactus in the foreground, a line of mountains on the horizon, and a Hispanic mother with two children combine to present the blend of physical landscapes and local culture that his paintings are famous for.
In addition to Collins collectors, this cover will be sought by railroad topicalists as trains appear both on the stamp and in the watercolored cachet as well as the fact that Ramirez actually worked on the railroads. Southwest Steam Train is now ready. Collins #M5402 at $15.00.