Collins FDC Catalog
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N5401 / Scott 4978

From Me To You
Military Mail Call - Blue Hand Pointing
Note: Collins cover # N5401 - Alpha code arbitary for cover identification
Cover Announcement
This new stamp was disappointing in regard to its design but important in regard to the subject of its issuance. Cards and letters from one person to another can express an almost limitless number of topics of communication - Birthday wishes, holiday greetings, expressions of love, messages to and from family members, and a host of others.
Sometimes it is difficult to come up-with a good cachet idea, but in this case there were many themes to choose from. My "Mail Call" design was based on the personal experiences of my family and myself as well as millions of other Armed Service Members. When far from home, a letter from a loved one means so much, and a sergeant shouting "mail call" is an eagerly awaited event.
My Dad was a crew member of a B-17 in World War II, I was an Air Force advisor with the First Air Commando Wing in Vietnam, and my son Tim was an AWACS crew member in both the Southern and Northern "No Fly" Zones in the Iraqi War. I can say with certainty that the mail calls for the three of us and millions of others were indeed special moments.
My individually hand painted cachet shows a G.I. reading a letter from home. Also shown are the seals of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. To add interest to this Collins First Day Cover, I've added one of the margin postal markings from the pane of new stamps to each envelope. The new stamp and margin design are tied to the cover with a bullseye first date of issue postmark.
My "From Me to You" mail call First Day Cover is now ready. Collins #N5401 at $15.00.