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Collins FDC Catalog

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P5403 / Scott 4981

Civil War Sesquicentennial

General J.E.B. Stuart - Surrender at Appomattox Court House

Cover Announcement 

Joseph "Fighting Joe" Hooker was a career Army officer who served with distinction during the Civil War. As is often the case throughout history, he was an individual who is mostly remembered for a negative reason and Hooker's was a defeat administered by Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863.

The individually hand painted cachet features a portrait, and this cover. along with my upcoming first day cover for Confederate J.E.B. Sruart will close out my five year series devoted to the remembrance of Civil War battles and generals. As with my other generals from the North. this cover shows Hooker in his blue uniform with brass buttons and an eagle perched on crossed cannons above a stars and stripes pennant.

Union General Joseph Hooker - Collins #P5403 - is now ready at $15.00.

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