Collins FDC Catalog
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S5401 / Scott 4987

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Forget Me Not – Remember the Alamo
Cover Announcement
If one does not forget, one remembers. As I thought about that fact in relation to the new stamp, I decided to pay tribute to the young men who died at the mission-tumed-fortress in the Texas war for lndependence. Their bravery and ultimate sacrifice was not in vain because "Remember the Alamo!" became the battle cry and rallying point for the Texians who ultimately defeated the Mexican Army.
Each and every envelope has an individually hand painted rendition of the Alamo. The famous mission and historic battle site is now the number one tourist attraction in the state of Texas. The inspiring cachet has a row of forget-me-not flowers in the foreground, and each of their watercolored blooms serves as a reminder that the nation remembers. They complement perfectly the new stamp which has the first day of issue bullseye postmark.
On February 23, 1836 over 1500 troops under General Santa Anna occupied San Antonio to capture the Alamo with its garrison of 182 Texan Americans. The defenders, under William Travis and James Bowie, repelled several attacks inflicting many casualties on the enemy. Finally on March 6, 1836, a massive assault began and every single defender was killed. Among the dead was Davy Crockett who had led a small contingent of Tennessee volunteers.
The new stamp proclaims "Forget-Me-Not" and after 180 years, the memory of those lost sons and their collective acts of bravery lives on. Remember the Alamo. Collins #S5401 at $15.00.