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Collins FDC Catalog

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U5401 / Scott 4989


Emperor Penguins

Cover Announcement 

This individually hand painted cover shows part of a colony of the tall emperor penguins. Two adults carefuily keep watch over seven young birds. The setting is sunrise on the Antarctica coast. Day is breaking with a beautiful ribbon of orange/gold sky on the horiron announcing a new day. The sky colors coordinate nicely with the attractive markings on the necks of the adult penguins.

The polar waters are painted to look cold, and this is reinforced with floating ice chunks. The letters express the frigid conditions with snow topping each. Three of the new 22-cent stamps are tied to the envelope with the "First Day of Issue" slogan postmark.

An attractive Collins cover that will look ''cool" in your collection, Emperor Penguins is now ready. Collins #U5401 at $15.00.

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