Collins FDC Catalog
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X5401 / Scott 5002

Vintage Tulip
Tulip & Heart
Cover Announcement
The design ccncept of this cover was my desire to bring in the historical importance of Holland in regard to this beautiful and popular flower. A four-bladed windmill is dominant in the center of the cachet, and in the foreground is a bed of multi-colored tulips.
My approach to the hand painting of these covers was a little different. The temptation was to use the vivid yellows and bright reds that are common colors. Upon researching further, many other colors were more pleasing for this windmill scene, so I opted for the medium and subdued pastels of tangerine, lemon, soft pink, and wine purple. With blue sky and blustery clouds crowning the picturesque setting, I'm now ready to offer the two-ounce Vintage Tulip. Collins #X5401 at $15.00,