Collins FDC Catalog
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Y5401 / Scott 5003

Literary Arts
Flannery O'Connor - Novelist, Short Story Writer and Essayist
Cover Announcement
Mary Flannery O'Cornor was an American writer and essayist who had an important voice in our country's literature. She wrote two novels and 32 short stories as well as numerous commentaries and reviews.
By the summer of 1952 she was diagnosed with the same disease that killed her father. Given only five years to live, she moved to her ancestral farm, Andalusia, in Milledgeville, Georgia. Over the next fourteen years she raised and nurtured over 100 peacocks and peahens and continued to incorporate them into her books. She described her peacocks in an essay entitled "The King of the Birds."
The birds were so instrumental in her professional and personal life that the Postal Service included four peacock feathers in the design of the new stamp. My individually hand painted cachet features one of the stunning birds with his tail in full and magnificent display. When you get this marvelous cachet. please take a moment to examine the fine, exacting detail that was necessary to achieve this Collins cachet. Every single bit of coior and shading has been done by hand on each and every envelope. It is but one example as to why my covers have become such a favorite with cachet collectors.
In her works, O'Connor sought out enlightenment, grace, and moral good in fiction populated by criminals, con artists, and misfits. Now ready is my cover for this compelling author, and my-cachet tribute is the peacock that she loved so dearly. Flannery O'connor. Collins #Y5401 at $15.00.