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Collins FDC Catalog

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A5702 / Scott 5202

Henry David Thoreau

Philosopher, Poet, and Environmental Scientist

Walden Pond

Cover Announcement 

In addition to the special cachet "Wild Apples" created by my granddaughter Alexa, which documented Thoreau's study of plants, I also wanted to provide one showing his time at Walden Pond.

In 1847 Henry moved to a small hut he built on the shore of secluded Walden Pond. There, in the surrounding forest and in the waters of Walden, he observed the lessons of nature and considered the meanings of life. From his "Where I Lived, and What l Lived For" Thoreau wrote this as to why he embarked on his adventure of experiencing a Spartan life at Walden Fond.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not

learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

My individually hand painted cachet features a serene moment showing Henry as he sets forth for a day of exploring. A case containing his journal is carried over his left shoulder and a simple lunch is in his right hand, A chipmunk sits on a log watching, perfectly positioned between flowers and ferns symbolic of the numerous plants Thoreau studied. Behind him are the placid waters of Walden Pond and the lovely florest ringing it. His modest hut provided the minimum shelter for his duration there. Note the woodshed in the rear and the chimney rising above the roof. One can only imagine the simple and complex thoughts that pulsed through his mind as he sat before the blazing fireplace contemplating the meaning of life.

The limited cachet variety, Henry David Thoreau at Walden Pond, is now available. Collins #A5702 at $15.00.

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