Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

B5705 / Scott 5207
Sport Balls
Babe Ruth
Cover Announcement
The Postal Service hit a home run with this set of eight sports balls. For general and topical collectors "Sports" is always a very popular and desirable subject to collect. What makes this individually hand painted set so appealing is that each of the new stamps is done in a circular shape. They are great!! And the first day of issue bullseye postmark is the same size as the balls depicted so the philatelic balance is subtle but certainly adds to the visual impact.
As for the cachet design, I decided to do a portrait of a prominent athlete in each of the sports. I will not make these covers available on an individual basis, so they certainly will be key Collins cachets to own. The first cover you will receive is the football stamp featuring Frank Gifford. He was a star player for the New York Giants and is in the NFL Hall of Fame. Frank is most famous, however, for teaming with Howard Cossell and Dandy Don to form the incomparable Monday Night Football broadcast team.
As is the norm for my larger sets, I will be sending them on a one-per-month basis. That makes this premier set affordable for every hobby budget and also provides the necessary time for the hand painting. After many years of cachetmaking, I still always strive to produce cachets that will enhance the reputation of Collins and ones that collectors will love to have in their collection. These eight Sports Balls are cover gems, and I absoiutely expect a quick sell-out. Thanks.