Collins FDC Catalog
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C5701 / Scott 5211
Total Eclipse of the Sun
The “Diamond Ring” Effect
Cover Announcement
The "Diamond Ring" effect is a feature that occurs during a total eclipse of the sun. As the moon covers the sun, the rugged landscape of the lunar surface allows spots of sunlight to penetrate. This is sometimes called "Baily's Beads" after Francis Baily who explained the phenomenon in 1836. The "Diamond Ring" effect appears when only one spot or bead remains visible. This bright spot appears like a diamond set in a distinctive ring caused by the moon's silhouette.
This amazing visual eclipse presentation is what I capture in my individually hand painted cachet. The ring is created by sunlight showing around three-quarters of the lunar circumference. The brilliant diamond is shown to the upper right as it emanates rays from the explosion of light shining through the last of the Bailr's Beads. Awesome. To complete the cachet scene, I enclose this solar phenomenon by a border of red against the black background of space.
The eclipse was a major happening in the United States. At the American Philatelic Society Show in Richmond last August, this new stamp was constantly talked about by many of the collectors stopping at my booth. Likewise, many of my Collins collectors have been waiting for this issue. I'm pleased to announce that my "Total Eclipse of the Sun" first day cover with the "Diamond Ring" cachet is now available. Collins #C5701 at $1 5.00.