Collins FDC Catalog
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C5702 / Scott 5211
Total Eclipse of the Sun
The Path of the Solar Eclipse
Limited Edition
Cover Announcement
The fascination of the American public with this total eclipse was amazing. As millions watched from their own homes or surroundings, others traveled great distances to observe the event along the course of the eclipse. I felt that a Collins cachet to document the actual path would provide a fiting philatelic remembrance.
My first step was to create a backdrop of the continental United States. Next I wanted to show the path of the eclipse across the country from Depoe Bay, Oregon, where the first sightings on land took place to McClellanville, South Carolina, where the total eclipse left the United States and continued over the Atlantic Ocean. Each cachet is individually hand painted and this cover tells the visual story of the path.
The new stamp has the flrst day of issue bullseye postmark from Laramie, Wyoming. Now available is: The Path of the Solar Eclipse - Collins #C5702 at $15.00.