Collins FDC Catalog
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F5701 / Scott 5227
Great White Shark
Cover Announcement
This individually hand painted cover is the first one for the mini-set of five. It can be found in the coastal surface waters of all major oceans. The great white is notable for its size, reaching lengths of up to 20 feet and weighing as much as 4,200 pounds at maturity. This monstrous shark can dive to depths up to 3,900 feet.
This shark is knoun as a primay predator of marine mammals. Fish also provide a major part of its diet. It is ranked first among sharks in having the most recorded bite incidents on humans. It also is ranked first for identified fatal attacks on humans. The great white shark has also been called the "white death."
Now ready is Sharks - Great White. Collins #F5701 at $15.00.