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Collins FDC Catalog

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F5702 / Scott 5226


Hammerhead Shark

Cover Announcement 

The distinctive structure of this shark's head is how the name came into being. It is flattened and extended forward into a "hammer" shape that is called a cephalofoil. Scientists have discovered many reasons for this oddly shaped head including sensory reception, maneuvering through the water, and hunting and capturing prey.

Hammerheads are found world wide in warmer waters along coastlines and above continental shelves. They usually swim in schools during the day, which is unusual for sharks, but become solitary hunters at night.

The different species can range from 3 to 20 feet in length and weigh from 7 to 1.280 pounds. 

Each and every envelope is individually hand painted as is the case with all of my cachets. Now ready: Sharks - Scalloped Hammerhead. Collins #F5702 at $15.00.

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