Collins FDC Catalog
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F5703 / Scott 5223
Mako Shark
Cover Announcement
This swift shark is also known as the bonito shark and the blue pointer. The shortfin mako is the record holder for speed among sharks as it has been clocked at bursts of speed up to 18.8 meters per second.
An average adult mako measures about ten feet in length and weighs up to 300 pounds. In some rare cases these sharks can exceed a thousand pounds in weight.
The shortfin inhabits temperate and tropical seas world wide. It can be found cruising the ocean's surface and at depths up to 500 feet. These sharks travel short distances in search of mates or prey. Food sources include dolphins, swordfish, and other sharks.
My individually hand painted cachet captures this fleet deadly shark. Shotfin mako - Collins #F5703 $15.00.