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Collins FDC Catalog

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F5704 / Scott 5225


Thresher Shark

Cover Announcement 

Threshers are large sharks found in all temperate and tropical oceans of the world. Their name is derived from its long tail which can be as long as the body of the shark. They can be found in shallow waters near land but prefer the more open ocean. I chose to use the distinctive green tropical water for this cachet such as that found in the Caribbean and other similar areas around the world.

The thresher has a short head and a cone-shaped nose. This shark, depending on species, can range in length from 10 to 16 feet. Food sources include bluefish. small tuna. squid, and cuttlefish. When hunting, they are knoun to slap the water with their tail, stunning their prey before feeding. They are one of the few shark species known to jump fully out of the water like dolphins. This behavior is calied breaching.

The Thresher Shark - Collins #F5704 - is now available at $15.00.

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