Collins FDC Catalog
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F5705 / Scott 5224
Whale Shark
Cover Announcement
This is the fifth and final Collins cover for the shark series of new stamps. Collector feedback has been excellent, and I'm very pleased with how the individually hand painted cachets turned out. It was my goal to make the ocean water in each of the covers different and distinct which provides a nice contrast. The realistic color portrayal of each shark was definitely achieved, and if you are missing any of them, now is a good time to complete this Collins series.
The whale shark is slow moving and filter-fleeding like the baleen whale. It is the largest non-cetacean animal in the world with the biggest confirmed individual having a length of 41.5 feet and a weight of 47,000 pounds. The whale shark is found in the open waters of the tropical oceans of the world. Its life span is estimated at 70 years. Despite its size, this shark does not pose any danger to humans. They are docile fish and have been photographed many times close to summers.
The huge whale shark is now ready to bring this set to a conclusion. Collins #F5705 at $15.00.