Collins FDC Catalog
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I5701 / Scott 5251
National Museum of African American History & Culture
Negro Leagues Baseball
Cover Announcement
The Negro Leagues were United States professional baseball leagues with teams mostly comprised of African American, and to a to a lesser extent, Latin Anrerican players. These teams were a major component of African American sports history and culture.
My individually hand painted cachet shows a large baseball in a grassy field. It pays tribute to the leasues. Surrounding the ball are the names of prominent teams from this era of American sport. The first Black professional team was the Cuban Giants formed in 1885. Prominent teams from the "Golden Age" shown on the cachet are the Kansas City Monarchs, the New York Black Yankees, the Detroit Stars, the Pittsburgh Crawfords, the Newark Eagles, and the Homestead Grays.
The large new stamp has the first day of issue bullseye postmark from Washington, D.C. - site of the new museum. Collins #I5701- $15.00.