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J5701 / Scott 5253

History of Hockey

Old Time Player & Gear

Cover Announcement 

This is a team sport played on ice, usually in an enclosed area called a rink. Two teams try to hit a hard rubber circular disc called a "puck" into their opponent's net or goal to score points. One player from each team is called a "goalie" and is positioned in front of his team's net to deflect the puck away which is called a "save."

Ice hockey is most popular in Canada, the United States, Europe, Russia, and the Nordic countries. It is the official national winter sport of Canada. It is fast-paced and very physical with each team having six players in addition to the goalie. Reserve players are on the bench for substitutions.

The sport is believed to have evolved from basic stick and ball games. It was developed in Canada and the first indoor hockey match was played in Montreal on March 3. 1875.

My individually hand painted cachet shows a player from an era before masks were mandatory for goalies. The new stamp shows an early player skating on an outdoor lake. The first day of issue bullseye postmark is from Detroit, Michigan. The Upper Md-West states around the Great Lakes are an area in which the sport is very popular. Ice Hockey - Early Period is now ready. Collins #J5701- $15.00.

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