Collins FDC Catalog
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R5601 / Scott 5163
Queen Conch
Cover Announcement
The queen conch is a sea snail that lives in seagrass beds and can be found from Bermuda to Brazll. It has a very large, solid and heavy shell with knob-like spines on the outer surface. The queen conch is hunted and consumed by starfish, crustaceans, fish, sea turtles, and humans.
The beautiful shell is sold as a decorative object to be displayed in the home, office, or school. Historically, Native Americans and indigenous peoples of the Caribbean region used pieces from the queen conch shell to create various tools.
Hand painting on each and every cachet brings to life the beautiful and delicate pastel colors that Mother Nature has bestowed on the shell. Light pinks and lavendars with just a hint of very faint sunset tangerine make this such a distinctive Collins. A pair of stamps has the first day of issue bullseye postmark.
With a Caribbean look, this masterpiece from the sea floor is now available. Queen conch - Collins #R5601 at $15.00.