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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


R5602 / Scott 5165


Alphabet Cone

Cover Announcement 

These are the final three seashell covers, and they turned out beautifully. As usual, each one is printed in black and then individually hand painted in watercolors. An unintentional but interesting thing happened to make this trio unique Collins First Day Covers. There was a slight shift to the right of the cachet resulting in tying the stamps to the covers. Usually, only the first day postmark does this. As a result, the water colored cachets really look fantastic. They are sure to become sought after seashore gems in the months and years ahead. It's a pleasure to announce the Alphabet Cone (R5602), the Zebra Nemite (R5603), and the Pacific Calico Scallop (R5604) at $15.00 each. Thanks.

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