Collins FDC Catalog
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T5601 / Scott 5175
President John F. Kennedy
Cover Announcement
The new stamp for President John F. Kennedy is very large and has an excellent portrait of the young president. The first day postmark is a bullseye cancellation from Boston, Massachusetts. Jack Kennedy was an avid boater, and the individually hand painted cachet shows him and his beautiful Jackie sailing off the coast of Hyannis Port, Mass, which was the site of the famous Kennedy farmily compound.
It was President Kennedy who launched our space initiative to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s; who founded the Peace Corps; and who first sent troops to Viet Nam to curtail the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. He was my commander-in-chief when I deployed in May of 1962 to DaNang with the Blue Dragons of the 777th Assault Squadron of the Tactical Air Command.
His presidency was cut short by an assassin's bullet, and I often wonder what would have been accomplished if this young and vigorous leader had served two fuil terms. With his campaign slogan of "All the way with JFK" and his World War II heroics as commander of PT-Boat 109 in my thoughts, I am now honored to announce my cover for President John F. Kennedy. For Jack and Jackie as they are caught in time enjoying the Atlantic breeze. For JFK. Collins #T5601 at $15.00.