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T5602 / Scott 5175

President John F. Kennedy

Peace Corps

Subscriber Only Edition

Cover Announcement 

The Peace Corps is a volunteer program operated by the United States government. It was created by President John F. Kennedy on March 7, 1967 by Executive Order 10924. The stated mission of the Corps is to provide technical assistance to help people outside America and to exchange cultural understanding between countries. The work done by Peace Corps members is usually relaterl to social and econornic development. Each volunteer works abroad for two or three years after three months of training.

The large John Fizgerald Kennedy stamp is tied to the envelope with a bullseye first day of issue cancel. The individually hand painted cachet shows work being done in the areas of agricuiture, health. and warer supply and safety. At the bottom are among the most famous words ever spoken by the young president - "Ask not what your country can do for  you, ask what you can do for your country".

John F. Kennedy - founder of the Peace Corps - is now ready. Collins #T5601 at $15.00.

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