Collins FDC Catalog
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U5601 / Scott 5179
Nebraska Statehood
150th Anniversary
Sandhill Cranes Flying Over Platte River
Cover Announcement
Over the years, one of my favorite design techniques is to present a composite of subjects related to the new stamp. For the Nebraska issue, I think the result has been one of the best Collins covers of the year. Each one is individually hand painted, bringing out a visual quality that is amazing.
Shown are the mighty buffalo that roamed the Nebraska prairies in immense herds. It remains an enduring American icon. A pair of sand hill cranes which teetered precariously close to the abyss of extinction but now have slowly made a nice recovery. A covered wagon that with others formed long trains of settlers and pioneers that settled the state and pushed ever westward. Buffalo Bill Cody, a western legend, who as a young man rode for the Pony Express and as a mature western hero founded his famous Wild West Show. And, of course, a golden ear of corn so symbolic of the "Cornhusker State."
It is a pleasure to offer this new cover. Please order pomptly as a quick sell-out is a possibility. It's a watercolor that captures the essence of the American West. ln the back center of the cachet rises the ancient, towering presence of Chimney Rock that has witnessed the historic evolution of the Comhusker State. Nebraska is now ready. Collins #W5601 at $15.00. Note: Correct Collins # is U5601.