Collins FDC Catalog
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V5601 / Scott U696
Barn Swallow
Most Abundant and Widely Distributed Swallow
Cover Announcement
This individually hand painted cover captures one of the joys of nature as a mama barn swallow overlooks her two fledglings which are safely ensconced in their nest. The barn swallow is the most widespread species of swallow in the world. It is found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. It has a long, deeply forked tail and curved, pointed wings. The upper parts of the body from the head to the tips of the tail are a lovely blue.
The barn swallow likes open country but normally uses manmade structures to breed. It builds a cupshaped nest, and this is well illustrated in my cachet. It feeds on insects caught in flight. One of the nice features is the large colorful rendition of two swallows that is on the printed postage starnp on the envelope. This image is canceled with a first day of issue postmark from Reno, Nevada.
The watercolored cachet shows the interior of a barn with a nesting mother and babies. Another swallow swoops through the air nearby with the signature forked tail and curved wings prominently shown. A farm field and distant bam are shown at lower left. It's a great cachet - especially for nature, wildlife, and bird collectors.
I'm pleased to announce my Barn Swallow cover - Collins #V5601 at $15.00.