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Collins FDC Catalog

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X5601 / Scott 5190

Mississippi Statehood

200th Anniversary

The Magnolia State

Cover Announcement 

The individually hand painted elements for the cachet all came together in fine fashion. The various components are set against a background of a Mississippi bayou. That word is of Cajun origin and refers to an extremely slow-moving body of water or a marshy lake or wetland. Cypress trees and stumps, common to bayous, poke up from their watery habitat.

Also shown is a Confederate soldier to represent the historical importance of the Civil War. A large basket of cotton pays tribute to the significance of this crop to Mississippi and, indeed, the entire South. A side-wheeler riverboat steams up the Mississippi River carrying passengers and cargo to the various ports of call.

A guitar is reminiscent of the King of Rock n' Roll. Elvis Presley, who was born in Tupelo. One also appears on the new stamp and represents the musical heritage so important to New Orleans. Finally, the "Magnolia State" has its namesake depicted by a large blossom in fulI bloom. From the heart of Dixie, Mississippi is now ready. Coliins #X5601 - $15.00.

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