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Collins FDC Catalog

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E5801 / Scott 5316

First Responders

Honoring First Responders

Policewoman Cachet

Cover Announcement 

This new stamp was issued on September 13, 2018 seventeen years after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. It honors all first responders - then and now - for the steadfast and often heroic service they provide to individuals and our country,

These cachets are still in the sketch phase, but I think they convey how fitting the covers will be for this issue. A policewomwn and a fireman are both shown as they respond to an emergency situation. Each and every cachet is individually hand painted.

The regular issue price is $16.50 each, and the Collins numbers are E5801 - Policewoman and E5802 - subscriber-only edition - Fireman. The Collins cachets for first responders are now ready.

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