Collins FDC Catalog
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F5803 / Scott 5317
Birds in Winter
Black-Capped Chickadee
Cover Announcement
This individually hand painted cachet turned out to be one of my personal favorite bird designs, and there have been many over the years. I think the cuteness of the bird, the boldness of the illustration, and the appealing winter setting all came together to create a really fine first day cover.
The round head has a black cap which is perfectly complemented by a black bib. In between are white cheeks
which provide emphasis to the black areas. Beautiful! Our little friend perches amid an array of snow-crested winter berries. As with all of my cachets in this mini-set of four, the natural colors achieved by hand painting are just magnificent.
A clear "chick-a-dee-dee-dee" is the welcome call you wiIl hear from this bird. Its habitats are deciduous woods, willow thickets, shade trees, and groves. Feeders are often visited where it enjoys sunflower seeds and suet. The extensive range of this songbird is the northern half of the U.S. up into Canada and Alaska. It's a pleasure to offer my Black-Capped Chickadee. Collins #F5803 at $16.50.