Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
G5701 / Fruit Bounty (5256)
Meyer Lemons - Fruit Bounty
Red Pears (5039), Albermarle Pippin Apples (5037), Pinot Noir Grapes (5038), Strawberries (5201) & Meyer Lemons (5256)
Cover Announcement
This was a very time-consuming cover project, and I don't believe any other cachetmaker attempted it. Each and every cover required the fifteen (15) individually stamps be placed on the envelope one at a time. And they had to be affixed with precision so as not to overlap a neighboring stamp. I believe that once this cover is sold out, it will become a sought-after gem within the hobby. I hope you will secure one for your collection.
With the colorful fruit stamps taking up so much room, the remaining space became what I had to work with for my
individually hand painted cachet. At the top left, a golden apple hangs high on a blossomed branch. Next a pair of red pears complements the three stamps that are adjacent. Lemons represent the citrus family and are, in fact, the fruit that is the focal point of this cachet.
Purple grapes are in the lower left corner as a beautiful bunch grows at the end of their vine. Grapes are the middle vertical row of stamps being flanked by two gold columns and two red columns. Finally, across the bottom, strawberries grown on plants close to the ground. Blossoms at the tippy end of the plant promise more delicious crimson berries in the days to come. At lower right is "first day of issue" and my familiar Collins logo. Another consideration is where I requested the first day postmarks be applied. I determined that four bullseye postmarks would tie all the stamps to the envelope with the addition of a Meyer lemon pictorial cancel in the upper right.
This is a very "different and desirable" first day cover that bursts forth in an explosion of fruit. The fifteen stamps and the delicate cachet at left and bottom borders. Multiple first day postmarks that cancel all stamps. Do not miss this one if you want a beautiful and unique Collins that will continually become a sought-after hobby treasure in the years ahead. Being offered at a slightly higher price due to the extensive time required to put on all fifteen stamps with extreme care. Meyer lemons first day of issue with other fruit stamps in combo. The Collins number is out of sequence. Fruit Bounty is now available at $21.50. Don't miss this one! Collins #G5701.