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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


O5701 / Scott 5264 & 5265

Bioluminescent Life

Octopus &  Jellyfish


Cover Announcement 

The term "bioluminescent" refers to the production of light by living organisms. This new set of ten stamps provides a fascinating look at tiny creatures in the depths of the world's ocean which light their own way as they traverse their eternally dark watery world.

Believing it to be more visually attractive and interesting, I decided to put two of the new stamps on each envelope

with the corresponding creatures in the cachet. It was a good call, and the resulting Collins set of five will become, I

believe, a future hobby gem because it is so uniquely different. Be sure to acquire these cover's now before I'm sold out.

The first cover to be offered has two self-lighted creatures that are referred to as "jelly fish" and "octopus." The prior is a beautiful blue and is at upper left, and the later is a distinctire red at lower right. Their color corrdination with the new stamps is perfect!

The element that makes this set so exciting is that it is so different. Visually I imagined complex space probes

streaking through the blackless of space and then compared them to these simple organisms meandering through the blackness of the ocean's depths. Collectors are fond of something that is "different," and these five covers are all of that. And lovely.

My first bioluminescent life cover is now available, and I am anxious for you to see it firsthand. Each cachet individually hand painted. Jelly fish and octopus - Collins O5701 at $15.00.

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