Collins FDC Catalog
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O5702 / Scott 5270 & 5271
Bioluminescent Life
Marine Worm & Crown Jellyfish
Cover Announcement
This is the second cover in a fascinating series. As with the previously offered cachet, this one also has two of the
diminutive life forms. The creatures actually glow as they make their way through black waters far below the surface.
The Coilins cachets in this series are very different. At the bottom of the cachet is a red crown jelly fish bioluminescent
with numerous tentacles propelling it through the water. A circle of orange segments clearly demonstrate how it got its "crown'' name.
The glowing marine worm is at the top left with leg-like appendages extending from a segmented body. The new
stamps and the hand painted cachet compliment each other perfectly. Now ready are the bioluminescent crown jelly fish and glowing marine worm. Collins #O5702 at $15.00.