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Collins FDC Catalog

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T5703 / Scott 5281A

Air Mail Service

100th Anniversary

Curtiss JN-4H Jenny Biplane

Cover Announcement 

As my long-term collectors know, I like to offer some items that will bring a different "look" to their collections. In this case, I've done a combo cover that offers both the blue and red stamp editions on one envelope.

The cachet features a large portrait of one of the early Army airmail pilots who flew the mail on the Jenny bi-planes. It also has views of the plane both in flight and on the ground. Aviation and U.S. history are favorite topics of collectors, and I certainly reconrmend you acquire this Coliins cover before it sells out.

This exciting cachet is individually hand painted and is sure to become a sought-after item within the hobby. Now ready is my cover fearuring both the blue and red stamps. The One Hundredth Anniversary of United States Airmail. Collins #T5703 at $15.00.

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