Collins FDC Catalog
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T5801 / Scott 5392
U.S.S. Missouri
75th Anniversary of its Launch
Cover Announcement
Also known as "Big Mo" and "Mighty Mo," this Iowa Class battleship is best remembered as the site of the official snrrender of Japan which ended World War II. The Missourl was commissioned in June 1944 and fought in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. She also fought in the Korean War and was used for fire support during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.
My individually hand painted cachets show the "Mighty Mo" in action in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Her guns are blazing, and it is really a great naval first day cover. The new stamp is postmarked on the day of issue with a bullseye cancel from Honolulu, Hawaii.
Now ready is the "Big Mo." The U.S.S. Missouri. Collins #T5801 at $16.50.