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Collins FDC Catalog

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E6101 / Scott 5676

Mountain Flora

Wood Lily

Cover Announcement 

This beautiful lily produces orange or red blooms between June and August. It grows in much of Canada from British Columbia to Quebec and parts of the United States, including the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes region, and the Norlheast. It is also knowu as the prairie lily, the western red lily, and the Philadelphia lily.

My individually hand painted cachet shows a meadow in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains filled with wild beds of this mountain wildflower. It is an endangered species in Maryland, Tennessee, and North Carolina and a threatened species in Kentucky and Ohio.

The stamp has a first day of issue bullseye postmark from Alpine, Wyoming in the Rocky Mountain country. Shrouding the distant mountains in the cachet is the haze that is so familiar in the Appalachians and Smokies. This is the first of four beautiful Mountaia Flora covers. Wood Lily - - Collins #F6101 at $18.50.

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