Collins FDC Catalog
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E6103 / Scott 5678
Mountain Flora
Woods' Rose
Cover Announcement
Rosa woodsii is a species of wild rose known by the common name of Woods' Rose. It is native to North America including much of Alaska, the western and central United States, and a good portion of Canada. It grows in a variety of habitats such as mountain meadows, woods, and stream banks. The stems are straight with prickles and the flowers can be any shade of pink., The red rose hip fruit available in August and September can be eaten as food, used in tea or as medicine.
My individually hand painted cachets show the Siena Nevada Mountains in the background with a reflection in the water. An expanse of Woods' Rose grows in profusion in the foreground. A lovely vista. This cachet is an example of scenic landscape and close-up detail. Note the time-consumlng and fine brush work on each flower blossom. Then consider the color coordination that hand painting can provide.
The stamp has the Alpine, Wyoming, first day of issue bullseye. Woods' Rose, Collins number E6103, is
avaiiable at $18.50.