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Collins FDC Catalog

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G6101 / Scott 5693

Eugenie Clark

The Shark Lady

Cover Announcement 

An individually hand painted cachet captures the undersea world of sharks and coral. A great white circles a colorful coral formation while in the background a hammerhead cruises by. This cover is an eye-catcher.

The stamp honors Eugenie Clark who was affectionately known as "The Shark Lady." She was known for her research on shark behavior and the studv of fish. Eugenie was an authority on marine biology and actively promoted marine consenvation.

Clark did research at the Scripps Instirution of Oceanographl in California, the American Museun of History in New York, the Woods Hole Marine Laboratory in Massachusetts, and the Lerner Marine Laboratory in Bimini. She continued her research at Cape Haze Laboratory on Siesta Key, Sarasota, Florida until her death in 2015.

The Shark Lady is now ready. Collins #D6101 at S18.50.

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