Collins FDC Catalog
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J6102 / Scott 5708
Pete Seeger
American Folk Singer
Subscriber only
Cover Announcement
In the late 1960s. Pete Seeger became interested in environmental causes and lent his fame to support
environmental organizations. He was a vocal opponent of both the arms race and the Vietnam War. Many of his songs had a "peace" theme.
Former President Barak Obama has remarked that Pete Seeger "believed in the 'power of song' to bring social change" and that "over the years Pete used his voice and his hammer to strike blows for workers' rights and civil rights, world peace and environmental conservation, and he always invited us to sing along."
This subscriber-only limited-edition cachet shows an older Seeger with trusty banjo. At 92 Pete was still providing music aimed at social change. ln a statement shown on the cover that sums it up, he said. "The right song at the right moment can change history."
Pete Seeger - Subscriber-only limited edition - J6102 - at $18'50