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Collins FDC Catalog

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N6101 / Scott 5724 & 5725


Holiday Elves in Santa's Workshop

Cover Announcement

This individuaily hand painted cachet calls for you  to take a second look at the content. Look at the variety of toys on the floor. Look at the workbench where four elves are completing the final touches on more toys. Look at the large window, with wreath and peering reindeer that provides a look at the barren North Pole snowscape. Now, looking at the entire scene, appreciate the time and amazing artistic craftsmanship that went into this individually hand painted holiday gem. Brush stroke by brush stroke. Collins quality.

Two of the new stamps have the Norh Pole, Alaska bullseye first day of issue postmark. I will be offering a second cover that will have the two remaining Elves stamps. Now available are the Holiday Elves in Santa's workshop busy at work for the good girls and boys. A very colorful cachet - bright, seasonal, detailed, and full of Christmas cheer. Collins # N6101 at $18.50.

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