Collins FDC Catalog
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S5901B / Scott 5481
Hip Hop
B-Boy Dancing
Cover Announcement
Hip-Hop music, also now known as rap music, is a type of popular music that originated in New, York Citiy in the 1970s. Developed by inner-city African Americans and Latin Americans, it consists of rhythmic music that usually accompanies rapping which has rhyming lyrics that are chanted to the melody.
My individuaily hand painted cachet shows three youths participating in break-dancing to the Hip-Hop beat. Difficult acrobatic moves were the mainstay element of this energetic expression of rap music. The golden age of Hip-Hop was from the mid-l980s to the mid-1990s.
Once sold out, this Collins will be one of those in the hobby that will be searched out on the open market. It has the first day of issue bullseye postmark from New York, NY. I have a good feeling about the longterm collector appreciation of this Coliins cover and urge you not to miss obtaining it now. Hip-Hop is now ready. Collins #S5901 at $16.50.